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    Color Communication

    All the hardware you need to ensure the quality of your color

    All the software you need to ensure the quality of your color



    ColorLogic ZePrA 11 with 1 year SMA

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    Software Maintainance Contract

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    • ColorLogic ZePrA 11

      What's new in Zepra 11?

      ZePrA 11 is a major new version of our color server. It addresses several new features our clients have requested. These new features make ZePrA 11 a must have version for existing clients, as well as new clients.


      Adobe Photoshop extension that allows color conversions for image files from Photoshop


      Improved Spot Color Iteration Wizard

      Iterate spot colors rendering much easier and faster


      New DeviceLink Iteration Wizard

      Achieve the best possible color match by iterating DeviceLinks


      Improved Images and Vectors Conversion

      Completely redesigned UI with additional new features for SmartLink and processing of PDF/X files


      Productivity Extensions for the Spot Color Report

      Check multiple PDF and image files with all possible color configurations at once


      More specific Tone Value Corrections

      Apply individual gradation curves to images and vectors


      Preserve White in Images and Vectors

      Ensure preservation of 0% ink areas when printing with white ink on transparent or colored substrates


      Black Start for Spot Color Conversions

      Improve the appearance of color conversions of light spot colors with a late black start


      User Interface Improvements

      Dark mode for macOS and many other optimizations


      Sofrware Maintenance Agreement


      The SMA is a paid annual plan which provides an upgrade to the latest version of the application at no additional charge to the end user.


      Anytime ColorLogic releases a major software version, all users with a current SMA are eligible to receive a new license free of charge.


      ColorLogic highly encourages the add-on of the Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) to the purchase of ColorAnt, CoPrA or ZePrA to keep all applications up to date.


      Contact a ColorLogic representative about purchasing an SMA and take advantage of receiving the latest features and tools with every release.

      ColorLogic ZePrA Toolbox





      auto setup

      Auto Setup - Create workflows using one of six standard auto setup configurations based on the most common color management tasks in print production. Files that can be processed include: TIFF, JPEG, PSD or PSB image files, as well as PDF files

      Main Setup and Overview



      Overview - Access ZePrA's Overview Screen. View queues, pending jobs, processed jobs. Configurations can be assigned to Queues at any time and the order in which queues are processed can be controlled, allowing control over specific queues raising or lowering priority for file processing.



      Configurations - creates and manages all the settings related to the handling of color and PDF specific parameters. The settings in Define Configuration include color conversion using ICC device profiles or ICC DeviceLink profiles



      Queues - All the basic functions of queue folder management are available for modification; input, output, originals, error, temporary folder and the Define Queues dialog. The Queue customization options include: appending the file name with a custom job id, assigning a new configuration for the Queue, post processing and generating reports to a specific folder


      spot colors

      Spot Color Report - is helpful to check the spot color conversion before printing. You can either check a specific PDF file with spot colors that needs to be converted or how a spot color library with multiple Pantone or other spot colors would be processed through ZePrA.


      spot colors

      SaveInk Report - Generate a SaveInk report by either right-clicking on jobs under Processed or by clicking on the icon via the Navigation Panel. The report generates a detailed overview of all the SaveInk queues set up and processed jobs.


      spot colors

      Extract ICC Profile - extracts the embedded profile from images and the output intent from PDF/X files. The extracted ICC profile can then be stored in a predefined location.

      Global Settings


      spot colors

      Spot Color Libraries - Allows optimized conversion of spot colors in PDF files into CMYK. If the ZePrA XL package or Multicolor has been licensed, (which includes the Spot Color module), it has the ability to monitor Multicolor spaces and to convert spot colors to Multicolor.


      create gradations

      Gradations - The application of gradation curves completes the process of preparing data for printing. Shortly before going to press, almost every printing process calls for a tone value correction(TVI) that is stored in the RIP of the platesetter.


      profile assignments

      Profile Assignments - Profile Assignments is an option in conjunction with SmartLink that enables the use of existing, already tested or special DeviceLink profiles that are based on the ICC standard for converting your data.

      Features of ColorLogic ZePrA

      Features Zepra Entry Zepra Basic Zepra Large Zepra XLarge Zepra XXLarge
      Hot folder Processing
      Image Conversion
      Automatic Setup Wizard
      Simplified Navigation
      PDF Conversion
      PDF Flattening
      Basic Spot Color Conversion
      Copra SP
      Multi-threading Support
      Multicolor Support
      Advanced Spot Color Conversion
      SmartLink Multicolor
      Spot Color Reporting

      Auto Setup Wizard

      • ZePrA converts all Images, including vector shading, with the highest accuracy and 16-bit precision.
      • Color convert PDF and Pixel files with ICC or DeviceLink profiles automatically.
      • PDF flattening flatten or rasterize PDF files on-the-fly within ZePrA
      • CLI module is required for Switch integration as it includes CLI capabilities.
      • ZePrA includes single navigation panel to easily access all the functions to set-up and control ZePrA
      • Multicolor supports color management for all color spaces including Multicolor
      • Advanced Spot Color Conversion include improvements in spot color conversion performance and spot color conversion quality
      • ZePrA automatically configures all the necessary Hot Folders and is instantly ready to process PDF, TIFF, JPEG or PSD files for the CMYK, RGB, Grayscale, Multicolor color spaces and spot colors.
      • Creating a queue for a PDF/X-compliant workflow will setup the descriptive parameters for the output conditions automatically.


      zepra smart link


      SmartLink-DeviceLink generation on-the-fly

      • The ColorLogic SmartLink function permits dynamic generation of DeviceLink profiles, taking various factors into consideration, such as preservation of the separation characteristics, use of the TAC of the target profile, preservation of pure colors with simultaneous dynamic gamut mapping.
      • SmartLink now integrates CoPrA SP(serialized profile) with ZePrA
      • Many options are available allowing users to define how SmartLink shall create the DeviceLinks, optimized for traditional printing like Offset, Gravure or Newspaper or targeted for Digital Printing or Large Format Printing.
      • Users can also have their own preferences regarding color conversion by adjusting SmartLink with their own DeviceLink presets, since CoPrA SP is part of the SmartLink package.
      • SmartLink enables users to compensate deviations from either their home standard or to the desired printing standard.
      • XL package offers SaveInk profiles for user's house standards. Select either one of the three preset saving options (SaveNeutral, Strong Save or SaveMax), or use CoPA SP to make presets and apply them directly in ZePrA.
      • Reprofiler SP(serialized profile), is a part of the SmartLink package and it’s generated profiles can be easily integrated in ZePrA.The comprehensive XL package will automatically create SaveInk profiles for your own house standards. Select either one of the three preset saving options (SaveNeutral, Strong Save or SaveMax), or use CoPA SP to make your own presets and apply them directly in ZePrA.



      Spot Color conversion

      • Spot color solution is aimed for packaging printers which have to deal with numerous spot colors and need to optimize their printing process by converting spot colors into CMYK or Multicolor process colors.
      • The ColorLogic solution offers printers the secure knowledge of getting the best possible conversion of spot colors into process colors, both in terms of colorimetry and regarding best printability
      • .
      • ZePrA uses spectral data and spot color libraries and can optimize colors based on custom conversions.


      Push-2-ZePrA Logo Window
      • The extended Push-@-ZePrAfeature is an Adobe Photoshop extention that allows to covert an image file in Photoshop with ZePra from photoshop.
      • Convert PSD files using DeviceLinks.
      • Better color rendering of images than typical color conversion with Photoshop.
      • Best possible color convertion of images without leaving Photoshop.

      Spot Color Report

      The new Spot Color Reportfeature is helpful to check thespot color conversion beforeprinting. You can either checka specific PDF file with spotcolors that needs to beconverted or how a spot colorlibrary with multiple Pantoneor other spot colors would beprocessed through ZePrA.

      zepra gradation curve

      Gradation corrections

      • Gradation curve corrections ensure compliance with printing standards and is helpful to compensate variables in the printing process.
      • The printing characteristics can be directly included in the data. You may apply curves on process and spot colors.
      • Gradations allows last minute changes to data, too.

      Integration with Enfocus Switch

      • Integration with Enfocus Switch is made to realize a complete workflow - from data receipt, to data checking and color conversion, all the way to data distribution.


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