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    About PRINTING United Alliance

    PRINTING United Aliance

    In a landmark milestone in the printing industry, on May 1, 2020, SGIA and Printing Industries of America officially merged to create the largest, most comprehensive member-based printing and graphic arts association in the United States, PRINTING United Alliance. The printing industry now has complete access to preeminent education, training, workshops, events, government and legislative representation, safety and environmental sustainability guidance, as well as resources from the leading media company in the industry - NAPCO Media.

    History of Printing Industries of America

    The Printing Industries of America (PIA) was founded in 1887 right after the linotype typecasting machine came into practical use. While the printing industry was doing quite well in the 1880s, it had its problems. Two of its more serious problems were excessive competition and labor conflicts. To deal with these issues, the Chicago association sent out a call for a meeting at the Apollo Hall in Chicago, October 18-20, 1887.

    Sixty-eight delegates attended the meeting, representing 18 Master Printers' Associations and four individual printing firms from 22 cities. The delegates adopted a constitution on the third day of the convention. It is important to note that Printing Industries of America was founded by representatives of the local associations which existed at that time.

    PIA had no permanent headquarters during its first 15 years. The first permanent headquarters office was established in New York City in 1902. In 1908 the office was moved to Philadelphia, and in 1912, it was moved to Chicago where it remained until it was moved to Washington, D.C. in 1929.

    Over the years, the national association's programs have changed in response to the changing needs of the members. The most recent example of this is the consolidation of PIA and GATF, which brings the best technical programs and publications to our members' doorsteps and desktops at a time when our industry is undergoing vast changes in its underlying technologies.

    History of GATF

    From its small beginnings in 1924 as the Lithographic Technical Foundation, this industry-inspired and member-directed foundation has grown into one of the world's leading centers for graphic communications research and education. The Foundation fulfills its missions through its five divisions:

    • Research
    • Training
    • Consulting
    • Process/Quality Controls
    • Publications

    Facilities include state-of-the-art prepress, pressrooms, testing laboratories, libraries, and classrooms that provide a world-class platform for innovative sheetfed and web research, leading-edge publications and instruction, and the development of effective test images. The Foundation's research activities include waste control, environmental studies, press and prepress research, and quality control. Educational activities include an outstanding graphic arts library, an extensive publication program, career and curricular consultation for schools and universities, seminars, workshops, and conferences for the graphic arts community.

    Consolidation of PIA and GATF

    On January 1, 1999, PIA and GATF consolidated, offering printers and suppliers membership benefits of three organizations--the two national associations, PIA/GATF, and the local PIA/GATF affiliate--for one dues payment. Together, they promote the interests of more than 13,000 graphic arts member companies.

    This consolidation brought together two powerful partners: the world's largest graphic arts trade association, and a technical, scientific, and educational organization dedicated to the advancement of the graphic communications industries worldwide.

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